Drop-off donations

How to Donate Your Items to the Kiwanis Thrift Sale

Drop Off Enclosure

Drop off Donations of items you no longer need, so others can use them, on any Saturday at the Kiwanis Thrift Sale. Drop off hours are weather permitting and exclude some major holidays. Donation hours are year round from 9:00 am to 12 pm.

The Kiwanis Thrift Sale is located, on the east side of The Kiwanis Center building at 100 N. Staebler Rd., Suite C off of W. Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor, 48103 (1-mile west of Zeeb Rd. and 1-mile east of Baker Rd.)

There are items in high demand by our Sale customers, so we particularly request their donation. There are other items our customers will not buy, so we cannot accept them. Please see our High Demand Items and Unacceptable Items information pages for more information. If you have any more questions, please give our donation number a call at 734-665-0450 or email us at donations@a2kiwanis.org.

The Kiwanis Thrift Sale is a major service project of the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations to The Kiwanis Thrift Sale may be tax deductible.

Items we are unable to accept may be accepted at the Ann Arbor Salvation Army on South State Street, the Ann Arbor PTO on South Industrial, the Habitat for Humanity on Jackson Road, or the Sharehouse on Jackson Road.

Donations Camp

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